After making a few templates I started looking for sites to submit my blogger templates to and it took a bit of time but I eventually found some and I am going to share those sites with you.I am going to start with the new ones that have come up and then go to the more popular ones.
This is the newest one by Blogger Buster and was just released a few days ago and is a site where you can view and submit templates as well as catch up on the latest blogging news and tutorials.No registration is required to view or submit templates so you should have no problem navigating this site.
This is another new one and also one of the most professional looking blogspot blogs I have ever seen that spots basically the same features as weloveblogger and also does not require registration.
This is another new one that is different from the others in that it is a premium theme site which means people can buy and sell templates here and I also saw that they don't have only blogger templates but many others including wordpress,joomla and flash.You have to be a member to download or submit a template.
This is a very popular site that has been around for a while and has some of the most popular blogger templates that are there.You can view,download and submit templates freely and there registration is not required.
5.Blogger templates
Probably one of the oldest template sites around this is another popular template site that offers xml templates and is usually the first place people go to when looking for templates.
Another site that has a wide collection of blogger and wordpress templates and also a resource for blogger tricks and tutorials.You can view templates but you have to be a member to download or submit a template.It also features a member dashboard where you can see the statistics of your submitted templates which is very handy.
7.Template go-down
A very good resource for beautiful template designs and also has some converted wordpress templates(templates that were originally for wordpress but have been converted to work with blogger)
This is a site that not many people know of but it has very good blogger and wordpress templates and also allows users to submit their own templates.
If you have any other sites that you feel deserve to be in this list just comment and I'll check it out and add it.