Sunday, September 13, 2009

No more money for your EC credits,and thats not all!

I have been racking up EC credits ever since may that I could cash them out but to my shock when I transfered them to the cashout nothing happened,they just remained there for like 2 months and very unhappy about this I contacted entrecard and this was the message they sent me
Sorry we no longer offer cashout services on entrecard,thanks for your continuing support

Very annoyed I spent the 2000 EC I had been saving up on random ads that didn't bring me much traffic but I didn't care much.Later in the week entrecard later revealed that in order to stabilise the entrecard 'economy' they were going to remove the option of receiving a credit when somebody drops on your site.WTF!
Can somebody please make a better site so we can all move there!


  1. Entrecard is just so shitty these days

  2. yeah dumped there widget off my blog as it is pointless


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