Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Create online HTML forms with ease using Wufoo

create online HTML forms
One drawback of being a blogger is the inability to integrate professionalism into our blogs.To go around this sites started offering functionalities such as widgets and plugins on their servers enabling people to access them as a 3 party functionality(one that is not embedded into the website).A few months ago I told you of kontactr which enabled you to create online contacc forms but what if you want another type of form.Then Wufoo is the site for you.

Wufoo basically takes online forms to the next level enabling you to make various forms with ease such as;
contact forms
survey forms
payment forms(can be integrated with paypal)
registration forms
online orders
tracking and much more

The generated forms are then converted into HTML code which you can embed in any compatible blogging platform.
On top of this members can fully customise their forms on basic characteristics such as colour and font and also upload compatible files to the form such as images.You can visit the site here and give it a try:Wufoo